Productivity: 7 Mindsets of Highly Productive People

These seven mindsets will make you more productive and determined in anything you do.

Productive woman smiling - mindsets of productive people
Black woman smiling // iStockphotos

If there is any lesson I have learned in my life so far, it is the realization that you can be anything you put your mind to be. But this is not always easy for everyone. Sometimes, even the best of us experience demotivation and a lack of enthusiasm to continue.

And while that is true for most of us, highly productive people sustain these five powerful mindsets that enable them to unlock higher levels of success in all they put their hands to.

1. Open-mindedness

Highly productive people are very open to change. They are open to considering new options instead of being permanently fixed in one line of thought.

While new trends do not easily sway them, productive people still understand the importance of acquiring new knowledge and skills in achieving their goals and discovering their undiscovered potential.

As a sign that you are open-minded, you could look back to your past and find out that some of the big things you have achieved today were a result of someone’s innocent suggestion to you. While non-productive people might despise inputs from other people, productive people are open-minded to new knowledge and information from other people or books.

2. The growth mindset

The growth mindset is the ability to see one’s capability to be better than the current state. It is a futuristic mindset that sees a time when most of your goals have been met, and putting in the right work to overcome the challenges of the present time without giving up.

Challenges come at different points in everyone’s life. Sometimes, they cost so much one might begin to doubt any chance of recovery. However, productive people always see reasons to keep moving forward despite the circumstances.

The growth mindset makes a productive person contented with their slight progress towards achieving their goals. Things may not be exactly how you want them to be now but you are constantly on the track to where you want to be.

3. I can do it mentality

To a productive person, impossibility does not exist. As long as they want to do it, they tell themselves that they can do it no matter how difficult it may seem. This is the same mindset Ben Carson’s mother passed on to him when she said “Son, you can achieve everything you put your heart to”.

Having the mindset of ‘I can’t do it’ is the single most powerful force that can stop anybody from achieving what they are supposed to. The words “I can’t” disrupt one’s motivation and ability to succeed. You really can’t do it if you say you can’t.

On the other hand, you can if you say “you can”.

4. Curiosity to learn

There is a lot to discover about yourself that you have not yet fully realized. This is why productive people are always curious about learning new things. Even when a new knowledge/skill feels like it’s not meant for you, you never can tell how much acquiring it would boost your personal growth and development.

Learning new skills can be a complex and intricate process but that should not scare you away from developing yourself. When you see a need to learn, give it your best and never give up.

5. Recognizing the role of tools and people

Productive people use every opportunity they have to build productive connections. They are drawn to people who have similar passions and do not hesitate to connect with them or share contacts.

They understand that finding the right people to work with is essential to being productive in life. While most others would chase people away from themselves through their actions or inactions, productive people put in the effort to build healthy and helpful connections and relationships.

6. Time control

Productivity is a function of time; the more you can achieve within a given time, the more productive you are compared to other people. Productive people consciously learn to control their time, and not waste it on frivolities.

Productive people know when to stop and change from doing something. They understand that ‘there is time for everything’. This way, they achieve productivity in almost every aspect of their lives.

Also, learning to stop when you need to can help you prevent boredom from prolonged duration doing one thing only. Sometimes, taking a break can be all you need.

7. Quest for good understanding

Good understanding here refers to a proper knowledge of the basics and essentials of anything you are involved in. It is one’s desire to understand the basic concepts of anything they are learning.

Productive people make an effort to understand the basic concepts, and not necessarily look for some shortcuts or only memorize a set of steps. They try to understand why things are the way they are. This way, their understanding is rich and they easily attain mastery after knowing the basics.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

Comments on “Productivity: 7 Mindsets of Highly Productive People”

  1. nice one bro,i get your point and i love what you are we know the richest city on earth is the grave yard, WHY ,cos many have gone without realizing,maximizing n working on their potentials.


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