Reasons Doctors are Naturally Seen as Promiscuous/Flirts

Here are reasons why male doctors are seen as the most promiscuous males on the face of the world.

Are male doctors promiscous
Doctor flirting with his pretty patient; iStockphotos

The “very experienced ladies” would say that all men are cheats, flirts, liars, and everything bad. By very experienced, I mean they seem to have gone through a lot at the hands of men. But no doubt, this could be just another arbitrary statement shared by some single heartbroken woman after one or two experiences with a man.

Thus, saying that all men are cheats is a gross generalization, and all such assumptions always have exceptions. The same goes for saying that all doctors are flirts, cheats, and promiscuous.

When we say that doctors are more promiscuous, I mean male doctors, of course, we might be committing a fallacy because we erroneously attached promiscuity to the profession of doctors, medicine, of which I also happen to belong. But there are several reasons why people might think that doctors are promiscuous, as you will see in this post.

From my own experience, we will seek to answer the questions more objectively, “Are doctors promiscuous?”, “Why are male doctors generally considered big flirts, cheats, and promiscuous people?”, “Do male doctors cheat more than the average man?”

This post will show you the reasons why people generally claim that doctors are promiscuous, cheat, and negatively flirty.

Difference Between Flirting and Promiscuity

While you proceed with this article, it is important for us to clarify these two often misconstrued words – flirting and promiscuity.

Flirting, according to The Free Dictionary[1]Definition of flirts – The Free Dictionary, means acting as if one is sexually attracted to another person, usually in a playful manner.

Wikipedia also referred to flirting as coquetry and defined it as a social and sexual behaviour involving spoken, written, as well as body language by an individual to the other, usually of sexually compatible sex, which suggests to them an interest in a deeper relationship even if done playfully or just for amusement.[2]Flirting – Wikipedia

Promiscuity, on the other hand, is the practice of engaging in sexual activity frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.

The simple inference from these is that flirting and promiscuity are not the same. Flirting is often done for amusement or just some way of enhancing healthy feelings among sexually compatible individuals. However, it could progress into actual sexual intimacy and subsequently promiscuity if the boundaries are not respected well enough.

Are [All Male] Doctors Promiscuous?

According to statistics, 75% of men admit to cheating in some way, at some point in their relationship with their partner, and 25% of married men have had at least one extra-marital affair in their marriage.

Everyone cheats, men and women irrespective, but statistics have shown that men cheat more (74%) than women (68%).

These statistics may not have been exclusively carried out in ‘doctors-only’ populations but their extrapolations can be generalised to doctors as well since doctors are humans too.

Male doctors have generally been said to be very promiscuous individuals. Eight out of ten individuals would support the claims that doctors are naturally promiscuous if put to a vote, and more so when compared to other men in the general population.

But that is not entirely true. Doctors are not more promiscuous than other men in the world. It only raises more eyebrows when it comes from doctors.

Reasons Doctors are Considered More Promiscuous

These are some reasons people generally accede or assume that doctors have more flirtatious or promiscuous behaviour than most other men.

1. Doctors may be more expressive

Doctors in their relations with women may be more expressive than other men. Having studied human anatomy and physiology in detail, they know more about the body than most other people.

This information, together with other knowledge about understanding human emotions, feelings, body language, psychology, and others that they may have learnt along the way can put them in a better position to be more sexually expressive to women.

This expressiveness can make other people “fear them” as being too dangerous, especially in regard to promiscuity and flirting.

2. Doctors are assumed to be financially comfortable

Doctors are financially stable but they are not as rich as most people imagine. They have enough money to meet their basic needs and a few luxurious needs, but people’s vivid imaginations about them owning bank-standard money bags are only mere imaginations.

There are increased financial demands on them by their families and society. There is also a higher standard of living expected of them by society. These place a strain on their financial capability, coupled with the fact that the stress of the profession can be alarmingly overwhelming.

This assumption that doctors are automatically extremely rich makes people think that all women would be flocking after them as well. That might be the case in some situations but does that translate to saying that doctors are in themselves promiscuous?

People may see many attractive women competing to win a doctor’s heart. This is because they perceive him as a hotcake, which in a way, he is. This makes it more likely to assume that a doctor has more opportunities to become promiscuous even when he is married.

In reality, however, doctors are not as promiscuous as you think. The married ones are faithful to their partners. They are also confined to working in the hospitals in the care of their patients, such that they may not have enough time to frolic about looking for sexual affairs.

3. Doctors are easily taken for their word

Doctors may not be the wealthiest people in any locality but they control a fair amount of honour and reverence from the society. The social status accorded to a doctor makes people respect and trust him and his word.

It is a great thing to take a doctor’s word for it but this also places them in a position where people assume that they cannot joke around with words as other people normally do.

As you saw earlier, flirting is an act that suggests a desire to connect sexually with someone, without the true intention to have sex with them. However, many instances of flirting eventually progress into sexual intimacy. The more reason flirting may be disapproved of by many people.

I can recount instances of doctors being announced as wicked cheats and promiscuous individuals by ladies who fell easily to his flirty antiques.

The doctor was only flirting without any intentions but the lady thought he was serious, and then assumed that he wanted to marry her. This might eventually lead to a sexual ordeal that the woman will broadcast angrily and painfully for the whole world to hear.

4. Doctors are naturally loved by ladies

Why exactly do ladies love doctors so much? I think there is a lot going on underground that we can’t see. Maybe they are quite good-looking in the sense of their dress and self-composure. While most ladies may deny that male doctors are quite alluring, this is the obvious reality.

This can affect male doctors’ promiscuity in the following ways:

  • More ladies try to be with the doctor even when he is actively trying to stay cautious and courteous relating with them.
  • Spectators from a safe distance might misinterpret this to mean that the doctor is flirting or having sex with all of them.

That does not absolutely mean that a number of doctors won’t become promiscuous in the process. They are humans too.

5. A number of doctors are promiscuous

Again, male doctors are men too. It is improper to isolate their tendencies from those expected of other men. If statistically most men cheat, doctors can be among that number too. Thus, it is erroneous to blow it out of proportion by saying that doctors are promiscuous, or more promiscuous than other men.

From some of the above reasons, we can clearly see that male doctors have more opportunities to cheat. Many doctors can take advantage of these opportunities to actually become promiscuous.

And because doctors occupy a high standard almost the same occupied by clergymen, little moral wrongs and mistakes committed by them often come out more explosive and grievous than worse offences committed by other people.

When next you want to ask, “Why are male doctors very promiscuous”, remember that they are men too and every man has an equal tendency to cheat or become promiscuous.

6. Many ladies are too expectant

A popular Twitter doctor in the UK (name withheld) once narrated how he became friends with a lady on Twitter following a series of conversations on Twitter. A few weeks down the line, the lady offered to pay him a visit in the UK all in the hopes that this doctor would marry him. They had sex when she got there but the lady became utterly pained and disappointed when the doctor disclosed to him that he never had intentions to marry her.

The doctor had to explain the entire story from the beginning because the lady’s cover-up story was very defaming and vilifying.

I am not in support of one-night-stands or indiscriminate actions as a doctor but ladies can be a little too expectant when it comes to relationships with doctors. And once news like this comes out in the open, people are quick to agree that doctors are indeed promiscuous.

7. The stress of the profession

The medical profession is an extremely stressful vocation, especially in developing countries of the world.

People are allowed to take breaks to rest, sleep, or recharge themselves after going through work-related stress. Because of the enormous amount of stress in the medical profession, many people assume that doctors also engage in promiscuity as a way to relieve stress since they have a host of ladies to engage with.

While that may be true, there is insufficient information to support that it is the case for all doctors. Many doctors I know during the course of my medical training are not promiscuous in the sense that people describe them.

Are all men the same?

It is high time we stop making generalizations that all men are the same from the experiences of a few ladies. Men will always be men but saying all men are the same will always be a fallacy in every right.

Would it be fair to also infer that all women are the same in the way to relate to men sexually and emotionally? When you speak about gender-based attributes, it is safer to speak only for the people you have encountered without making gross generalizations.

That notwithstanding, on the basis of emotional interactions with ladies, men have some similarities. Men may have a natural tendency to sleep around with multiple women but some men have disciplined themselves to respect boundaries and stay committed to their partner if already in a relationship or married.

To prevent falling victim to unplanned heartbreak, a lady should be more careful before giving out her heart to someone who is not genuinely interested in her. It is also important to look out for the red flags so you don’t fall in love with someone who does not deserve you whether he is a doctor or not.

Reasons doctors are less promiscuous than other men

Looking at the flipside, doctors are actually less promiscuous than other men. They are loving, caring, and more empathic than most other men by virtue of their profession.

While people might assume that they are promiscuous, here are some reasons men are less promiscuous than other men.

  1. They have seen the human body, in and out. It shouldn’t freak them like other men.
  2. They are always busy caring for their patients.
  3. They are well aware of the risks of promiscuity including STIs.
  4. Their long stay in school ensures that they are more emotionally mature by the time they leave school.
  5. Many of them are bookworms. Yes, you heard that right.


Let me ask you again, are doctors promiscuous? I believe you are in a better position to answer that yourself. It is important to not be stereotyped by the experiences of others and your own experience with just a few. To every rule, there are exceptions, not as though saying that doctors are any rule.

Do you have any comments or questions about this topic? Kindly drop them in the comments section below.


1 Definition of flirts – The Free Dictionary
2 Flirting – Wikipedia

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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