How To Find A Girlfriend: 10 Tips To Gets You The Girl

Tired of being single? This guide will help you find a girlfriend within a short time.

Happy Couples smiling happily with each other
Happy couple sharing love. Credit: iStockphoto

If you have been searching for a girlfriend with no success, I am here to show you some tips that will get you a girl you can call your own. You may have tried a lot of things or learned several pickup lines to no avail but I hope this article is all you ever need from this moment on.

There comes a point in a man’s life when he feels like he is ready to get a girlfriend. And it can be frustrating when this desire proves difficult. Thankfully, getting a girlfriend is not difficult when you know what you want and you have what it takes.

To find a potential girlfriend might not be so difficult but getting her is where the problem may lie. Here I will show you tips on how to find a girl you like, and also how you can get her to be your woman.

How To Find A Girlfriend

If you are in a place where there is a mixed population of guys and ladies, which I presume you are, finding a girl who could be your girlfriend is not that difficult. The only problem is you may have certain preferences that may discourage you from settling for a girl.

To make it easier, there are two things you need to first settle before you begin looking for a girl to befriend in a romantic relationship. One, you need to clarify the reason(s) why you need a girlfriend. Two, you need to be sure of your criteria and preferences.

After a long time of staying single (this was after a failed relationship), I decided I wanted to find a new girlfriend. But I noticed that the task was getting more difficult by the day. I see a lot of different girls and it becomes even more confusing to choose which one to ask out.

So, I decided to write out my criteria for a girlfriend, both physical attributes and behavior. Sometimes, it is important to state these things down so that your mind can fully be aware of what you want and what you don’t want.

You should still remember that finding a girl who matches your major specifications is not a guarantee that she would agree to date you. So, you need to act as fast as you can to ensure you don’t waste precious time planning or thinking too much.

Knowing Your Reasons For Getting A Girlfriend

A female friend of mine once told me in a discussion with her that girls prefer it when you go straight to the point. Instead of beating around the bush, they want you to go all out with your reasons and let them decide whether they are okay with them or not.

Some of the reasons why some guys want a girlfriend include the following:

  1. To satisfy one’s emotions about loving someone and being loved in return.
  2. For romantic companionship.
  3. Because your friends are in a relationship.
  4. For some form of assistance.
  5. As a form of faithful sexual partner.
  6. Dating for marriage.

Whether any or some of the above reasons sound flimsy or not, it is good you know the exact reasons why you want a girlfriend. If you don’t already know, now is the time to ask yourself and give it some thought.

How To Find A New Girlfriend

Like I told you earlier, finding a girl is different from getting a girl. In finding a girl, you are only searching for girls who you might be interested in and who might be interested in you too.

Here are some tips on how to find a new girlfriend.

1. Be more open to girls

One of the ways you can ever see a girl who might be interested in you is by being freer when you are around them. Being too closed up and overtly cautious can send a message to them that you are not ready for any relationship yet.

Acting freely can also open up new opportunities for girls to express themselves to you. That way, you can see which one wouldn’t mind getting closer to you.

2. Go out more often

You won’t find a girl by staying indoors all day. You will have to go out of your home to see a girl you might be interested in.

Even if you an introvert and prefer to remain indoors, learn to go out sometimes. It doesn’t have to be another city or town, you might see someone new and attractive walking about your current neighborhood.

3. Learn to engage in conversations

There is no better way to know someone than to engage in a conversation with them. Conversations help you to understand how someone reasons, what their ideas about life are, and other things about them.

Starting and sustaining a conversation is something many people do not know how to do but is not such a hard thing. The key to having a good conversation is to comment on the last words said by the other person. Before you know it, the conversation keeps going until you both want to end it.

4. Attend social events

Parties, weddings, birthday parties, and other social events including religious events are places where you can find a potential girlfriend. If you ever feel like you are seeing enough girls to fall in love with, such events can be places to look to.

5. Search social media

Many people have confessed how they found love on social media. Maybe if you look well enough, you might share your testimony.

Finding love on social media is not a straightforward thing because someone’s public responses and comments can only give you a glimpse of their real behavior and attitude. Sometimes, you might meet a full-blown catfish (someone who pretends to be someone else) without even realizing it a single bit.

Some people try to represent their true selves as much as possible. Such that you can see if a girl you find on social media is someone you can make friends with. All in all, the truth is that people find love on social media, oftentimes, when they least expect thought it is going to turn into something great.

6. Use dating apps

Dating apps can help you find a girlfriend particularly when your work schedule does not allow you to go out as often as needed. Dating sites allow you to find a girlfriend or partner online without having to first meet them in person.

Examples of dating sites include eHarmony, Zoosk, Higher Bond, Christian Mingle, Jdate, Elite Singles, Catholic Match, Ashley Madison, etc. You should select a dating app based on your intentions for the relationship, whether you are looking for a serious, long-term relationship, or only casual dating.

When using dating apps, you should not allow yourself to fall deeply in love with someone before you have seen them in person. You can stay attracted to them but put yourself together until you have seen them and you still like what you see.

Some dating apps focus on personality matching, while others prioritize location-based connections. For instance, Ashley Madison caters to individuals looking for discreet affairs and non-traditional relationships.

The membership, price, demographics, safety measures, and user interface all play a role in determining what the right platform for you is. Online For Love dating experts reviewed Ashley Madison’s membership price, demographics, safety, and user to give you an idea if it is something you should try or not.

Researching and selecting the right dating app can significantly enhance your chances of finding a compatible partner. Therefore, you should take the time to explore your options before embarking on your online dating journey with confidence.

5. Look more around you

Sometimes, the things we go far distance to search for are already around us staring at our faces. Even before you join a dating platform or go far out in search of a girlfriend, be more observant of the girls around you.

By paying closer attention to the girls around you, you will discover some beautiful girls that appeal to your heart. Sometimes, you need to turn your eyes to stare at a girl walking past. That way, you can look out for the key features you want in a girl.

You also want to observe if she is available for a relationship.

Lastly, girls tend to get more attracted to you when you are acting like you are in search of a girl you like. It makes them see that you are ready for something serious, which is exactly what they like too.

6. Flirt more with women

You can know a girl who is interested in you by harmlessly flirting with her. Flirting is not what most people think it is. It is simply an act of expressing yourself sexually and romantically to put the person outside the normal friendly mode.

Simple words like “What is a beautiful girl like you doing under this hot sun?” can evoke deep thoughts in any girl. She would begin to think “Is this guy interested in me“, or “What does he want”. Evoking these thoughts is an important starting point for finding a girl who might like you.

How to get a girlfriend after finding a girl you might like

Getting the girl of your dreams can be a hell of a task. You need to be patient, understanding, and caring at the same time. You should look out for the girl who is ready to open up to like you too.

While it is possible to talk to several girls you might like, you need to be sure of what you truly want in a woman before you put all your effort into chasing one.

1. Discover and communicate the specific reason why you need her

Whatever your reasons for having a girlfriend are, you need to be sure about them. I have listed some possible reasons above. Once you know the specific reasons, that will guide you on how to get the girl you want.

A girl’s imagination often goes very wild when a guy is getting close to her. It is, therefore, important to communicate your reasons clearly to her as early as possible. That way, she has an idea of what you might want and she can decide if she is okay with it or not.

You also need to be sure you are ready for whatever reasons why you want a girlfriend. That will prevent you from regretting your decisions after you might have gotten the girl.

2. Discover what you truly want in the girl

Girls are very aural creatures, that is they are intrigued so much by what they hear. You need to appreciate what you want in her because, at certain times, she would want to hear you say it to her.

For you to get a girl you are interested in, you need to put up the real conviction that you are really into her. She wants to see your conviction to ever accept to be your girlfriend.

If you are unsure about why you like her, she can get the signals about your uncertainty and would not want to go ahead with you. But if you put up the show about why you like her, she can hold on to that and accept to be with you.

3. Get a career or something doing

Irrespective of the reasons why you need a girlfriend, relationships require money. That may not be the same for everyone but you need to be able to give her something in return for being with you.

While it is true that girls love attention, they also like guys who are industrious and independent, and who are not only interested in chasing after her without focusing on their own life and career.

You are over 50% more likely to get your dream girlfriend if you are working and earning money than if you are not. Also, being busy with something can distract you when she is putting up an attitude that can irk you out. Thus, making you act more maturely and understandably.

4. Build your confidence

You need confidence to be able to communicate your feelings effectively to a girl you like. It is also more convincing when you exude confidence as you ask her out.

Understand that she is a human too, not a scary alien from space. So, instead of being scared or afraid, put yourself together and talk to her the way you normally should.

Dress nicely when going to see her, and be composed in your speech and general attitude. Confidence adds to your authenticity and genuineness, making it easier for her to accept you and become your girlfriend.

5. Be kindhearted

Getting a good girlfriend is not only about splashing money around to impress her. Demonstrating a kind heart can win you the girl you have always liked.

Kindness is based on how you treat other people, not just how you treat her. She might be secretly observing you to see if you are kindhearted. If she finds out that you are, she will be more likely to accept your proposal to her to become your girlfriend.

6. Recover fully from a past relationship breakup

While recovering fully from a past breakup requires some time, you also need to do your best to move on. You don’t want to be caught wallowing in pain about your last girlfriend because once your new girl sees that your interests are still there, she might lose interest in getting along with you.

As much as possible, forget your ex. She is not going to come back to you. And don’t ruin your opportunity to find someone meant for you because of someone who didn’t deserve to be in your life.

7. Be persistent

Making a girl you like to fall in love with might not come so easily. Sometimes, you need to put in more effort, especially for a girl who has had an ordeal with some guys before.

Even if she shows that she is attracted to you, she might not say yes from the beginning. You need to stay persistent and patient in doing your best to get her.

Sometimes, she might ignore you deliberately to see your response. She might put up an attitude to see how serious you are about your intentions. She might also want you to go straight to the point, hence her acts of indifference towards you.

While it is important to stay persistent, you must know when to quit. If you have done all you can and have waited patiently for some time, you might want to back down a bit. If she likes you, allow her to show it too because you eventually want a relationship that will not be one-sided.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the right time to get a girlfriend?

In regards to age, there is no exact right time to get a girlfriend. But ideally, you should have mapped out your life and decided what you want to do with your life before you strongly consider having a girlfriend to support you.

Even though you can get a girlfriend for any reason, you should be clear on what you want. And on the question of what the right time is, you’d then be the judge.

2. Can I find a girlfriend if I am introverted?

The straightforward answer is “Yes”. Everyone eventually finds a girlfriend whether they are introverted or not.

However, you have a higher chance of meeting more interesting girls when you go out more often. Even if you are shy, you will still find a woman who complements you and appreciates your little efforts to get her to be your girlfriend. But that is not to say you don’t have to work on your personality and self-confidence.

3. Can I get a girlfriend at a young age?

It is advisable to wait till you are more advanced in age before you consider getting a girlfriend. But you know the teen spirit may push a young man to want to have a girlfriend like every other person.

While those early romantic feelings are a normal part of an adolescent’s development into adulthood, there is a high chance that those feelings are unreal and only based on the desire to explore. Same way, you should think twice about your reasons for getting a girlfriend before you go ahead to get one.

4. Can I get a girlfriend if I am not ready to have sex?

This is a dicey question to answer but the answer is yes. Even though you might be more tempted to have sex, you can get a girlfriend even if you are not ready for it.

You also need to discuss it clearly with your new girl once things start going in the desired direction. Once you are on the same page with her, both of you can work together to prevent sex if you both don’t want it.

It also depends on the individual. If you think you won’t be able to stay without sex when you have a girlfriend and you are not ready for it, you should consider waiting till you are either ready for it or to get married.

Final words

There are many fish in the ocean but getting a girlfriend requires more tact than just catching a fish. You need to go out to explore a bit and then put in the required effort to get the girl you are interested in.

The foremost thing you want to do is to settle within you the reason why you need a girlfriend. Once that is settled, follow through the rest of the steps above to get the girl of your dreams.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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